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Gilad Bar-Shalev was born in Jerusalem in 1981. He studied photography at HAC Jerusalem between 2004-2006. In 2008 he opened his own photography studio in Tel-Aviv and has been shooting commercial and personal work since then.                                                                                   

Gilad is a member of “Indie Photography Group Gallery”, has a monthly column in ”Haaretz” newspaper and had exhibited in numerous group shows and exhibitions in the last years. Among those; “Local Testimony” as part of the World Press Photo, and “PHOTO IS:RAEL” international photo festival. His first book, “First Impressions” was self published in 2020, as well as his first solo exhibition which included selected images from the book.

Gilad’s documentary and portrait photography correspond with the classic mid 20th century photographers and works with a range of tools in his photography including medium and large format film cameras. Taking a direct approach with his subjects, he is seeking to portray people in their natural surroundings, while keeping a balance between entering their world and respecting their personal space.


“I treat all people I photograph in the same respectful manner, 

talk to them openly and direct them in a simple way.”



First Impressions, Indie Photography Group Gallery, Tel-Aviv, IL




Local Testimony, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv, IL

Photo IS:RAEL, International Photography Festival, IL

Print Fair #4, The Print House, Tel-Aviv, IL



Photo IS:RAEL, Long Exposure Exhibition, IL

The Collectivists, Artists House, Tel-Aviv, IL

PDP #50, Indie Photography Group Gallery, Tel-Aviv, IL

Group exhibition in memory of Yoram Lehman, "Hacubia", Jerusalem, IL

Unnamed, Kfar Saba city gallery group exhibition, IL



Print Fair #3, The Print House, Tel-Aviv, IL


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